Thursday, August 14, 2008

It Had To Be You

I'd like it if he were tan, all year 'round - you know, one of those aggravatingly gorgeous men who has skin just brown enough to look sexy and not at all like leather.

But that doesn't really matter when it comes to the man I want to end up with. These things do:

He'll be charismatic, the kind of confident that spills out of his laugh lines and messy brown hair. He'll be independent, someone who doesn't NEED me, but WANTS me. He'll never tell me he can't live without me, but I'll just know he doesn't want to have to. He'll see me as more than a friend and all around kick ass woman, he'll see what I don't show - my talents, fears, desires and dreams - he won't be afraid to look right at me and tell me I'm okay, just as I am. He'll argue with me, passionately, both of us sure we're right. He'll be smart enough that every once in a while, I'll give in and agree that he is indeed right.

He'll be passionate about something other than me and God - an instrument, a hobby, a vision for something bigger than him, bigger than us, something that broadens our view. He'll make easy conversation with just about everyone, always finding that common denominator to make others feel at ease. People that cross his path will feel his heavy presence, loaded with empathy and urgency - a real man among men. He'll laugh with me and at me and he'll do it often. He'll enjoy his life before and after me - not waiting for me to come along and complete the equation, but delighted that I've enhanced his enjoyment of things. He'll be a man of integrity and strong morals - unwavering and uncompromising - he'll fight for what's right.

He'll stick around forever, because he WANTS to and not because he should. He'll love me fiercely, passionately and consistently and he'll never make promises he doesn't intend to keep.


1 comment:

HolyMama! said...

you made the romance writer in me, SWOON, jen!

and hey! you won some romance at my place! come see!