Monday, October 27, 2008

Stop and Stare

I'm getting my Social Work midterm back tonight. So ... in about 8 hours I'll either be delighted or disappointed. It's nice to have a glimpse into the future of my afternoon. Spooky.

I've barely worked lately (read: at all) due to days off for midterms etc. Having a hard time working up the nerve to tackle the pile of paperwork on my desk.

Becky is coming for a visit tomorrow! She's staying the night with Kiki and I and all the girls (aside from Kris, who has to work) have confirmed their presence at a fun "We Love Becky" dinner. Can't wait. Will be lovely to have a good portion of "my girls" all in one room. You know ... before the shenanigans of my birthday next week.

I'm so disturbed by the news of the triple homicide in Jennifer Hudson's family. NOT because she's famous and NOT because she's an Oscar Winner but because it's horrendous to lose ANYONE you love - not to mention 3 in one day to something like murder. Horrific. Makes me want to call my family and friends and make sure they know how much I love them.

In fact ... that's what I'll spend my lunch time doing.


M.A.I said...

I loved my lunch time call. Just so you know the feeling is mutual and I'd give you a baby if you needed one.

M.A.I said...

Also I figured you should know that I have updated my blog...