The weekend was all too short and ill-spent. Don't get me wrong, I saw great friends and had a lovely time but spent far too much money and have nothing to show for it.

Aside from clean laundry. I have clean laundry.
My sister called yesterday and I felt a little grieved by the reminder that she's so far away. Most of the time I'm fine with her being gone but every once in a while I pine for her. I hope she's happy-ish.
Kiki got a new job and started it today! I'm really excited for her to be done at Sangsters - she deserves a nice boss who treats her well. One downfall : What the hell kind of cool stuff can she score me from Old Fashioned Foods?! What do they even have?! Sounds like a lot
of nuts and vitamins to me.

Tonight we're having a BBQ for Shealagh's birthday! She turned 21 last week but was working all weekend so we couldn't celebrate. We're having the BBQ in Wascana Park which I've only done once so I'm stoked to experience it again. The guest of honour will be : Death By Chocolate. Dozens of canker sores and thousands of calories - HERE I COME!
I've concluded that "horse's-ass" is a tragically under-used insult.
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