Thursday, April 02, 2009

The Power of Power

I'm disgruntled. Would you like to know why? Some genius in a semi hit a power line (he's fine, don't worry) and knocked out the power in the entire Northwest end of the city. Guess where my salon is? In the Northwest. Guess what I do at my salon that requires power? TAN.

On days when I feel like my depression is taking a toll, I go tanning. Research has suggested that "light box therapy" alleviates the symptoms of depression - well, what better way to engage in "light box therapy" than to lay in a bed full of light? That, and I need to be somewhat tan for Tasha's wedding and due to the difficulty I have getting brown, I need to start now (3 months in advance).

I'm hoping the power is back on in time to tan. I need it today.


M.A.I said...

I'm sure just being around Mama Jones can make you a tanned machine.

KiKi said...

Hahahahahahaha, mamma jones make you brown babay!