Sunday, February 17, 2008

Music Meets Dancing

The concert was incredible. My favourite part? (Aside from Muss noticing our manly waitress and saying "It's nice to see Hilary Swank is getting some work") When the lead singer played his electric guitar with HIS TONGUE. Oh my Lord. He then also played it with a drum stick. Lord help me - I would kill to be that talented. We weren't allowed to take pictures but I doubt the image will ever leave my mind anyways.

We then decided to rent "Step Up" and Muss bought "Take the Lead". That's right folks - music meets dancing at our apartment tonight. I'll keep you posted on my battle to make someone go see "Step Up 2" or "Meet the Spartans" with me tomorrow.

More Than Going To Prevail,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt that within a month you can also have the art of playing the guitar with your tongue mastered. Start with licking the guitar hero guitar and work your way up... i worry that if you move too fast than the string will cut your mouth... ouch.