Sunday, February 10, 2008

American Politics and Brussel Sprouts

I just got off the phone with my sister. Who doesn't love this girl? She's not only a stone cold fox, BUT, she's also wicked smart. We talked about American Politics and finished our conversation with the usual "I love you's" while Tina chowed down brussel sprouts. WILLINGLY. We both are amused that we know more about U.S. politics than Canadian. Although, I suppose I'd be a lot more interested in Canada's government if it was as fraught with scandal and mis-management as the U.S. is.

I have started a new job since I last posted. I've been there all of 7 days and I'm already nervous and dreaming about it every night. The past week has been dedicated to training - but seriously, there's so much to know that I could have used another month. At least. I was telling Tina, this is the first job I've ever had that I feel uses ALL of my brain and training. It's not mindless in any way and that's terrifying to me. I just don't want to mess this up - the benefits and pay are outstanding but there's so much responsibility. Like Tina said, I think I really will be earning every penny I make.

Aside from my new job, there's not much else going on. Our apartment finally feels complete with the hand-me-down dresser (for my room!) and loveseat we had given to us. It's warmer and homier - so we both love that. It's still an unsightly mess but that's to be expected. We should be used to it by now.

I'm toying with the idea of heading to England for a couple weeks this summer ... not sure if I'll be able to afford it or if it's even a good idea given how new I am at my job ... but we'll see. Hopefully I can make it work cause I miss my girls!!

More than Flu-Like,

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