Monday, July 21, 2008

You Know Who You Are ...

For all the ways I'm known by you
And all the ways I know you

For all the times you've stood by me
And all the times I'll stand for you

For every way you affect my heart
And every way I'm blessed by you

For every desperate midnight phone call
And every tearful lunch

For every scandalous, painful story
And your effortless defense of me

For hysterical laughter in wild abandon
And joy in the same old songs

For every moment I thought I'd never heal
And your every promise that I would

For every hug that meant more than words
And every word that softened my heart

For every blessed future imagined
And every filthy past forgotten

For every way you've helped me settle
And all the time spent breaking down walls

For every single one of my girls
In every way I love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your beautiful!! I love you!!!!