Thursday, February 22, 2007
So, now that we've established that I live a sad life....
Work has been insane this week so I haven't had time to blog or even email. I know! How sad that when I am at work I actually have to ... work! I'm trying to catch up on my never ending queue without forgetting any of the other tasks that were unceremoniously dumped on me recently. Kiki, Tasha and I are planning on taking a mid week break on Wednesday to go to the movies and wander the mall! I am delighted. I can't wait to shop as this time, I will have been PAID! Woo hoo!! First stop: JEANS!! I know I just bought some ... but I dunno, I feel the urge to buy some black jeans. Okay, I am now telling you things you don't care about so I am signing off.
Have a great day guys.
More than Well,
Monday, February 19, 2007
Isn't our partially demolished bathroom just LOVELY?? This was a couple days into the work. That whole area used to be covered in mould ... needless to say the chipped away paint is a vast improvement.
Just a different angle of the work being done on the bathroom.
This was after the rebuild had been started. The beautiful white tiles were being put up and the bathroom was becoming more liveable.
The tiles were held apart by MATCHES!! Before they filled in the cracks with that white stuff, they had to hold the tiles up somehow and, because this is Dublin, they used matches... Wow.
My beautiful Kiki and TashaTasha and I (I don't look like me ...)
Tasha, Kiki and I outside our lovely Dublin flat. You can't really see US or the flat but it's the best we can do.
2 of our favourite girls!! Yes, they're wearing roller blades and standing on the window sill. And we can't let them in the house, so they're hanging through Tasha's bedroom window ...
Making smoothies on New Years!!
A great picture Tash took when she and Andrea went out of town
Andrea and I on her birthday!! Look how pretty she is!
Kiki and I (for some reason I terrify myself when looking at this picture! What's going on with my hair?!)
That's all I've got for now! I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into our lives!!
More than Well,
Friday, February 16, 2007
By the way, you may have noticed that I now know how to "link" things in posts - I would just like to express how excited I am about this development. I am not exactly blogger savvy, so stuff like this marks a big achievement for me.
This morning I actually woke up on time, got out of bed to turn on the hot water (yes, it's high tech back here in caveman times) and then got up again at 6am to shower. To understand why this is remarkable, you need to understand my morning routine - and it is as follows.
5:30am - Alarm goes off reminding me to get up and "turn on the water" which basically means I flick a switch in the living room that heats the water in the boiler. I then promptly return to bed for another "half an hour" (there's a reason that's in quotes)
6:00am - Alarm trills again - at this point I should jump out of bed, full of joy and start my day. Or at the very least I should GET UP. But no, I turn off the alarm, reassuring myself that I will get up at 6:15 when the next alarm sounds.
6:15am - Alarm again, I roll over and turn it off.
6:30am - By this time I had better get up or I won't have time to shower. But I don't. Apparently I don't care about personal hygiene. "It can wait" I tell myself when in fact, it probably can't and it definitely shouldn't wait.
6:45am - Another alarm and I am panicked. I'm thinking to myself "Why didn't I get up?! Now I can't shower ... and ugh, I need to shower" But somehow, for some reason, I go back to sleep.
7:00am - The final alarm, there are no more after this. I open my eyes and try to steady myself despite the waves of panic that are washing over me "Ok, ok I can do this, I'll just get up right now and get ready and make sure I have a bath tonight. Ok, I'm getting up right now!" Zzzzzzz...
Oh I know, the sheer audacity of it. After torturing myself all morning and not showering, I still don't get up. And this isn't a one time thing - this is 3 or 4 times a week! So this morning it went like this:
5:30am - Alarm goes off, I get up and turn on the hot water and crawl back into bed.
6:00am - Alarm again. I get up, turn off all other alarms and go shower.
There was so much time left in the morning that I ate breakfast, joked around with Kiki, brushed my hair and teeth and sifted thru my c.d's - as well as the usual shower/makeup/hair fiasco. It was so good, I think I may do it again ... some day.
This weekend should be good. Andrea, Tash, Kiki and I are going to head out to the amazing Chinese food place we discovered while shopping a few weeks ago. It's kind of a belated Valentine's day thing so we are going to have a nice meal and just have a laugh. Another excitement piece of info: Jenny at my work happens to be incredibly giving and lovely and offered to download and burn the next season of the SOIH for us. She's already started on it but thinks it will take around 3 weeks to get them all! I don't care, I'll wait a lifetime if it means I get too see even more drama unfold. I am going to pay her but don't know what a reasonable price would be. Suggestions?
Have a great weekend everyone and I will try to post some pictures on Monday.
More than Well,
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Even though Dublin is known for its unpredictable weather, it still surprises me every time it changes so drastically that I break out into a cold sweat. Honestly, the weather makes me very nervous. Example: This morning I left the house very happy because it was Canada weather. No, not snow but CHINOOK WEATHER! One of my favourite things in this world is Chinook Weather. When it's all warm and windy and of course, it was overcast too! I got to the train station in a great mood. However, as soon as I sat down here at work, it started POURING and then came the gale force winds!! Trash cans were being strewn about in the wake of this storm and ambulances were rushing down to the marina - I can only imagine what happened down there!! So, now it is steadily raining and the wind hasn't let up one bit so it's miserable outside. In about 20 minutes I will have to venture outside for lunch and I gotta be honest, eating my own foot is looking to be a better option right now.
3 Things I Love About Dublin:
1) The sea. My train runs along the beach and every morning I just stare out at it's vast expanse and think "God that looks cold..."
2) My skin and hair. Due to all the moisture in the air, my hair gets soft and shiny and my skin is no longer dry and dull. Dublin, you're making me pretty and I like that.
3) Pizza night. Well, pizza nights. Once a week (sometimes 3 or 4 times a week) we order pizza and lounge together on the couch watching movies or the SOIH. The pizza isn't great but it's always so hot and convenient when it arrives at the door.
3 Things I Hate About Dublin:
1) Garbage. It's all over the streets and it's really gross.
2) Dog poo. It's not illegal to leave it laying all over so everyone does. It's like dodging land mines when you go for a walk. You have a headache by the time you get where you're going because of all the concentrating on not stepping in it.
3) Paying for bin tags. I seriously resent having to pay €2.75 a BAG when we need to have our rubbish collected. I think it's ridiculous. It's like they're punishing you for throwing things out. And, if you don't want to pay then you just dump it on the street. Thus #1.
Anyways, feel free to reply with your own 3 Loves/Hates about wherever you are.
Time for lunch! Into the wild winds I go ...
More than Well,
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
I'm working today and a few of the girls in my office have received flowers, candy and in one case, Valentine's plants. I don't know but apparently horticulture is the new jewellery. In any case, I need to make something clear. I don't hate Valentine's Day because I'm single. I hate it because I just don't see the need for it. I hated it when I was with Mike too - I got presents and it was lovely but just because I like presents! The loveliness had nothing to do with the day itself! Every year I boycott Valentine's and I get lumped into the "bitter single girl" category when really, I'm the "poor missionary girl" who just doesn't want to wander around Tesco looking for candy in the shape of hearts to give to my flat mates. I LIKE being single for the record.
Anyways, Kiki and I had "Canada Day" yesterday!! We both took the day off work (paid!) and spent the whole day in the Liffey Valley Shopping Center! This place was amazing! They had a Pizza Hut right in the mall! So, of course we went there for lunch! And then we wandered around, indulged in Pic'n'Mix and gazed at all the fascinating items we couldn't afford to buy! At one point a woman accosted me and offered me beautiful smelling hand lotion - which I accepted and while I was applying it, she took my hand and said "I can see that your nails are very dry, may I show you a treatment?" At this point I looked at my fingernails and looked back up at her in surprise. Kiki had given me a french manicure the night before and the top coat made my nails look like they had been dipped in oil! They looked anything BUT dry! They looked shellacked! I kindly declined and made a break for the exit.
We then went to see "Music and Lyrics" and it was disappointing. Hugh Grant redeemed himself by dancing A LOT but nothing could help Drew Barrymore. We still had a great time though because there was an entire Ben and Jerry's ice cream bar in the movie theater!! It was beautiful - Canada seriously needs to get in on that.
That's about all for right now as, once again, I need to get back to work. But Happy V-Day for those of you that celebrate it - and for those that don't - just remember - there's a reason Cupid rhymes with Stupid.
More than Well,
Monday, February 12, 2007
I managed to make it to the train station without incident after that. Thank God.
But, I had a wonderful weekend. I worked on Saturday and then spent Saturday night, Sunday morning and much of Sunday afternoon watching the SOIH. I know, I'm pathetic. But Tina hasn't sent the new season of Gilmore Girls yet so it's not like we can all indulge in that together. Speaking of Tina, I had a great talk with her last night. When it comes to Tina, I always wait way longer than necessary to talk to her about my future plans. Reason being, Tina is my idol and if she says I am capable of doing something - then I am. No question. But if she doesn't think it's a great idea, I seriously consider giving up on it. She hasn't steered me wrong in the past! So here's how the conversation went:
Me: I'm thinking of going to Business School .... (waiting in apprehension for Tina's repsonse)
Tina: Jen, I think that's the smartest thing you've ever said!
Me: Really?! I'm so glad you think that Tina!
Tina: If anyone has a head for business, management and leadership its YOU Jenny! I think you'd be great at that!
Me: Oh I'm so excited you feel that way!! I think Muss and I might open a restaurant or Bed and Breakfast or something!
Tina: I think that's a great idea Jenny.
It was EPIC! It's so nice when someone you care about so much expresses enthusiasm when you share your heart. I am delighted that I have Tina's support and, because she knows me so well, I now have the confidence that if she thinks I can do it, then I can. End of story.
So, that's my good news. I got support from my Mum and Sister in the span of a week! It's been great. It makes me even more homesick though because all I want to do now is hug Tina!!
Anyways, I need to get back to work, things are piling up. Have a great week everyone!
More than Well,
Friday, February 09, 2007
So, I recently reviewed a blog that tarnishes the name of Jortosh and I left it feeling sad. I read all the comments again about what we're doing here in Ireland and I am so concerned with this whole thing. We have parents rallying against us - thinking that our motives with their children are sinister. Most seem to be speculating that not only are we trying to convert their children, we're trying to assault them also. I find it very distressing that when someone tries to come into a neighbourhood to make a positive difference, the first thing people do is assume they're trying to hurt their kids. I guess I wouldn't understand because I am not a parent but still. It doesn't change the fact that we're good people and we're hurt by this drama.
Anyways, on to something less serious. I heard some things a few days ago that I've been waiting years to hear. My Mum called and we talked about school and God and my trouble making responsible decisions and do you know what she said to me?
"Jen, you're a free spirit and you always have been. You need to stop viewing that as a bad thing! I raised you that way on purpose - I wanted to you turn out the way you have. Now, all you need to do is harness your energy and passion and figure out a way to make it work for you. I've never been disappointed in you, not ever. And don't worry about going back to school - I know you're worried about student loans and committment - but Jen, hundreds of girls do it every day! You're not alone! If they can do it, you sure as hell can too! You're going to be just fine - I promise. I raised you to be a fighter."
And yes, she did. At the risk of sounding like a bad Christina Aguilera song, I am a fighter. My Mum raised to me to fight my way out of any situation that seems impossible - granted sometimes I fight when there's no battle, but still. I need to stop worrying so much about school stuff - when it's right, I'll do it. And rest assured there'll be no stopping me when that day comes.
Have a good weekend everyone!!
More than well,
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
So last night we spent like 2 hours trying to watch ONE episode of "Show that I can't name for fear of intense humiliation" (herein referred to as SOIH or Show of Intense Humiliation). The episodes are about 45 minutes long but we had to keep stopping it to instruct the very blessed individual in our house. THE MOULD GUY. Just to avoid any confusion, this is not a man made of mould, or even a man who enjoys mould, he's the man who chipped the paint and stone off of our bathroom walls as they were covered in mould. The mould looked something like this:
As disgusted as I know you are, multiply that by a thousand and you have one tenth of our disgust each and every time we would use the bathroom. It was awful. It was in the shower, all around the window and sink, all over the wall ... *shudder*. By the way, just to put your minds and hearts at ease, that's not a picture of our bathroom - it's just the closest thing to it that I could find online. So anyways, he spent a good couple hours chipping away at the wall and this Saturday he is coming to TILE THE BATHROOM!! So, praise God, no more mould! There are also rumours that our toilet and bathtub may get fixed but I don't think my mind could comprehend that much glory.
That's all for now. Keep an eye out in the next couple days as I will be adding pictures and info about what's going on in the house - as well as the much anticipated pictures of our demolished bathroom.
More than well,
Monday, February 05, 2007
Kiki and I sometimes talk about how aggravating it is when people say "Sounds like someone's got a case of the Mondays.." Like, honestly. The only way to properly express how I feel about this "phrase" is to direct you to the movie "Office Space".
So, I am still homesick but that's nothing new. I got to talk to Muss for about an hour this weekend, as well as my Mum - that was a lot of love for one weekend!! Muss was so unbelievably encouraging (as always) and, unfortunately, that just made me want to come home MORE!
Anyways, I am once again rambling - so I will cut this short. Took some great pictures at Andrea's birthday celebration this weekend, so I hope to put those up soon. Man, I love having her here.
More than well,
Saturday, February 03, 2007
It's been a long time since I updated this blog - I tend to exhaust myself by updating our Jortosh blog instead. Anyways, we're back in Dublin and struggling to focus on the year ahead of us. Kiki, Tasha and I are all eager to get back to Canada and go to school, and that's making it near impossible to focus on these next few months.
I feel bad because I should be focusing all my energy on the ministry here, but I just can't! I am excited to start school, and I am delighted that I can choose anything I want to do! I really want to start my own business, and so far Muss is really into the idea. I don't know how or when we will get that ball rolling - but if we both want it, then I guess it will happen. I'm struggling with what kind of business to open. I mean, Muss is a fabulous cook - so it will have to be a restaurant or B&B or something ... I don't want it to be cliche or (God forbid) too GILMORE GIRLS! Tina would be delighted but it would be too weird. So, that's where I'm at right now.
I got a wonderful email from Muss today - she's so encouraging. I am really homesick and she sent me this beautiful email all about how she loves and believes in me. Muss - if you're reading this - you don't know what that meant to me. So ... thanks.
Anyways, I need to get back to work but I will try to update a little more regularily now. Andrea is staying with us and is job hunting at the moment so that's added a little extra MANIC to our already manic-overloaded home. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't fun though...
More than well,