Thursday, February 22, 2007

I think it's safe to say I am moderately pathetic. Last night I trudged home from work and hung out with the girls until I suddenly felt tired. So, I went to my room to lay down (this was at 8:30pm) and the next thing I know, I wake up, all the lights are off and I'm fumbling for my phone to figure out what time it is. It was 12:30am ... that means I went to bed at half 8 last night. I can't remember how many years it's been since I did that. I was probably wearing footie pajama's and holding a teddy bear at the time. I then went back to sleep and didn't get up until 6:30am. I am remarkably well rested today!

So, now that we've established that I live a sad life....

Work has been insane this week so I haven't had time to blog or even email. I know! How sad that when I am at work I actually have to ... work! I'm trying to catch up on my never ending queue without forgetting any of the other tasks that were unceremoniously dumped on me recently. Kiki, Tasha and I are planning on taking a mid week break on Wednesday to go to the movies and wander the mall! I am delighted. I can't wait to shop as this time, I will have been PAID! Woo hoo!! First stop: JEANS!! I know I just bought some ... but I dunno, I feel the urge to buy some black jeans. Okay, I am now telling you things you don't care about so I am signing off.

Have a great day guys.
More than Well,

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