Sunday, April 29, 2007
A Grad, Some Sand and 2 Great Videos
Here's a link to her walking across the stage - she's so hot I could just spit:
Today we went to the beach out at Greystones and had a fabulous time. Tasha and I stood at the water's edge and decided we would brave the frigid waters just to say we swam in the Irish Sea. Yeah. Never. Again. It was bloody freezing. Honestly, my body hurt from being so cold and the waves just took us out. We were standing there one moment laughing at how cold we were and the next moment we were being flung around like cheap rag dolls. The Irish Sea abused me. Quite literally. I now have a love/hate relationship with water so salty that it burned my retinas and permanently ingrained sand in my ass. Love ... but mostly hate.
Finally, I found this video quite by chance today and I am bursting with pride. I never talk to this boy and I missed his EP release but this video makes me feel like I was there. At least for one song. So check out the video and head on over to to show some love for the biggest talent to ever hit Regina. That's right - EVER.
Go watch the movie:
More than Proud,
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Saturday ... More Like "Scattered-Day!"
As we got on the bus, we met a 19yr old American from New Jersey. H

Anyways, just wanted to share my rambly thoughts with you guys today.
Miss you all immensely.
More than Scattered,
Friday, April 27, 2007
TGFTTT and The Catch-Up!


That's really all that's going on at the moment - I think we're all tired and ready for our mini break to England at the end of May. I am delighted to have 4 days with Mom and hopefully some sun tanning in the back yard. I will post more when ... more happens.
More than Boring,
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Dr. Seuss and Dr. Freud

More than Mental,
Saturday, April 21, 2007
The Shoes of Glory (SOG)

More than Pathetic To Assume You're This Interested,
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
The Dress of Fabulousness
This was the funniest game I've ever played.
Kiki, Tasha, Myself and "the team" which consisted of Joe and Jill. Love those guys.
Oh the Dress of Fabulousness
A clearer shot - it looks nicer ON me!
Me, Aaron, Jill and Kiki - he is so lovely.
The day I met Colin Farrell - you can't tell by the angle but he's sooo grabbing my rear.
Dylan and I - this was a really great night - he just kept telling me he loved me.
So that's all for now but if you check out the Jortosh Ireland Blog you will see more ministry pics!
More than Sweating,
Anyways, today is also the worst day because I can't seem to get anything done!! I am christening today "Blatant Work Avoidance Day" or BWAD. I have a stack of work to do but I am essentially saying "Hey, I don't care about YOU! is much more interesting." Which, truthfully, it is.
Also, today is the much anticipated return of Thank God For Three Things Tuesday!! (For a delightful spin-off of this tradition visit Muss' blog and check out the post entitled What The Hell Wednesdays!) Here's the three things I am thankful for today:
1) My boss. She is a delightful person who laughs too hard at inappropriate things and displays genuine shock (and a little concern) at the fact that I keep coming in and donig my job every day. It's been a week and she can't believe I haven't quit by now. She makes this fun.
2) Muss. She texts me at like 2am (my time) and expects that I will call her back. And the best part is - if I wake up to that text, chances are I WILL call her back. I am so thankful that she is the one person who can spark such a reaction from me.
3) Starbucks. If I haven't mentioned it already - there is a subsidised Starbucks in the basement of our office. It's amazing - you just go down there and let Michael (the friendly and oddly un-creepy manager) make you a Grande Mocha complete with whipped cream (at no extra charge!). So you get service, subsidised S'bucks and a smile all of for €2.20. It doesn't get much better than that.
I know you're still waiting on the pictures of my beautiful dress but I haven't grabbed the c.d. from Tasha yet. I will try to do it tomorrow. I've got women's group tonight so I won't be uploading anything.
Anyways, Muss - I will try to call you tonight. If anyone else is reading this ... uh ... thanks.
More than Productive,
The New Job and Other Ramblings
Aside from all that, I am breezing through my piles of work at a pace that impresses and worries me. If I get through this stuff too fast I will put myself out of a job. I am only on a 6 week assignment and from the way things are looking right now - I will be done within the next 2 weeks. Eeek! So, I bought a beautiful dress the other day. Honestly guys, it's breath taking. I saw it and I just KNEW. I shall now refer to it as the Dress of Fabulousness or DOF. It fits me perfectly and there was even a matching shawl (convenient for those of us that loathe and detest their arms). Now I am just looking for shoes. High Heels. BLACK. HIGH. HEELS. I know, normally the world would crumble before I would ever wear a girly dress and heels at the same time but take cover my friends because the time is nigh! I don't have any special occasions coming up to wear the DOF and heels to - but maybe the girls and I will get all dressed up and hit the town in Greece or something. I just thought it was about time that I bought myself something pretty and feminine. I will be posting pictures of the DOF and it's besotted owner some time this week so keep your eyes peeled. It's bound to be fabulous.
I should dash as I am at work and posting this long blog entry from my work email. Ah yes, making good use of company time and resources. AS USUAL. Speaking of "dash" - here's a little "did you know?" for the road. We call Pepsi from the tap "fountain pop" in Canada but here it's called DASH. Isn't that crazy?? "No ma'am, we don't have bottles of Pepsi but can I get you some "dash" Pepsi?" Why yes you can adorable Polish waitress. Yes. You. Can.More than Besotted, (great word eh Muss??) Jen
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Blindsided and Angry (Oh, and TGFTTT)
Anyways, here's 3 Things I'm Thankful For This Tuesday:
1) My new job - even if I never get this mess sorted out, my new job looks lovely and mindless which is just what I wanted.
2) My iPod - it causes me to walk into things and mishear people (or not hear them at all) but it has brought an awful lot of joy to my life as of late. I like being able to tune out Dublin's noisy streets and just focus on my music.
3) Kiki - she is so outraged at this whole work mess that it's funny. I like how defensive she is of me.
So that's all for now. I will update again soon on how this whole gong show plays out.
More than Frustrated,
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Well I Didn't See THAT Coming!

Jen: I just got called into a meeting with the bosses. I think I'm going to get fired. I'm so scared .. so scared ... oh my gosh ...
Kiki: Jen I am sure its not what you think-- maybe its just to talk about the retention program you started or something..... I am sure it will be fine.
Jen: I dunno man, I'm always getting in trouble lately.
Kiki: Jen, they still have PONCER WORKING THERE!! you won't get fired!
Jen: I guess ...
** 20 minutes later this exact email was sent **
Jen: well you were wrong. we've been taken over by another company and i've lost my job. i'm happy though - i seriously promise that i am not upset. my last day will be friday.
Kiki: WHAT? OH MY GOD...
Jen: yeah. didn't see that one coming.
And ... SCENE. Yes, wasn't that an epic retelling of real events? So, just to build on the whole thing - No, I'm not upset. I didn't want this job in the first place - I just loved the people and the money! And, I've been thinking of leaving for a while but I promised God I would stick it out until He released me. So I guess He has! Thanks Lord. An email would have been more than sufficient.
My boss cried the whole time we were talking about it and reminded me that it had nothing to do with my work ethic, that I'm a "star" and she will give me an amazing reference etc. So today, I sent my CV to a couple agencies and I already have a job lined up for next week!
What sucks: I have holidays booked for later this year that I only booked because I would have been getti

What rocks: No more commuting an hour each day, no more call center! Also, temping is what I wanted to do in the first place and now I get to again - so I get paid weekly and don't have to stick around any ONE place. And lastly, I no longer have to worry about only taking 3 weeks of vacation! I can go on tons of trips if I have the money! Woo hoo!!
There's always a silver lining folks. Always.
More than Optimistic,
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Free Hugs
Just What I Like To See
Alanis covers "My Humps"
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Thank God For 3 Things Tuesday!

1) The "title bar" on my blog. I lost it for like 4 months and all of a sudden it just appeared back on my posts!! I know you guys don't care cause the formatting looks pretty much identical but still - it rocked my world.
2) Muss. I talked to her for like ... an hour and a half this morning and it was a really great way to start my day. I awoke with a clear head at exactly 5am HOLDING MY CELL PHONE. I don't know why cause I know I didn't fall asleep holding it. So anyways, we talked and it was great and I am so excited to live with her some day soon.

I talked to my Mum, my Dad, my Sister and beautiful Sharon last night. It was an emotional evening as Mum and I had a heart to heart and I went to bed with closure that I have been needing for a long time. It was awesome.
Anyways, that's about all for now - I have to go hunt for somewhat relevant pictures for this post.
More than Stoked,
Monday, April 02, 2007

Now, if that doesn't make you smile I'm afraid to tell you - you don't have a soul.
More than Grinning,
Note these aren't gay dead soldiers (which, while no less hateful, would at least have a scintilla of logic). Any soldier's funeral will do. Their reasoning is that America is so depraved anyone

The Phelps family consider these practises the true definition of Christian love, proving that what they lack in compassion they more than make up for in creative exegesis. For three weeks, I lived with the Phelps, attempting to get to know the people responsible for such a poisonous ministry. The pastor of the church, and the originator of the picketing concept, is Fred Phelps. He's also the patriarch of the family. But Gramps (as he's known in the family) is getting on in years, and these days it's his daughter Shirley who does most of the organising and the media appearances.
Naturally part of my regimen was joining the Phelps on their pickets. These take place several times daily. As well as soldier's funerals, they also target local churches, civic buildings, visiting dignitaries, concerts by pop bands... In fact, there's almost nothing that the Phelps can't construe as part of the general climate of iniquity, and therefore a legitimate target. One weekly picket targets a hardware store that sells Swedish vacuum cleaners.
As for Gramps, I had two interviews with the man. In my first encounter, I asked him how many child

· Louis Theroux: The Most Hated Family In America, 9pm, BBC2, Sun

The crazy French guys next door had a huge party on Saturday night and Kiki had to storm outside at half 4am to stop them from playing "trash can drums". Apparently she hurtled out of bed, threw on her shoes, flung open the door and just stared until they slinked back inside. Atta girl Keek, I've taught you well. Early morning rage seems to be an all too common occurence around our place. Usually I am the one terrifying the neighbours. It was nice to have a break.
There's not a lot to say as it's only Monday and nothing great has happened to me yet. I am looking for a fancy outfit to wear in case I ever have to go to a wedding or something. Dublin is totally the place to get nice clothes cause they're relatively cheap and most have that sophisticated European look. Anyways, this is what I want - except with black pants. I think it's just gorgeous but I can't be trusted with anything white, so I immediately opted for the black pants. And, of course, I hate my arms so I will be wearing some form of black sweater or shawl or something with it. Yeah, like I will ever have an excuse to buy this outfit. Muss and I are confirmed bachelor-ettes for the rest of our days and Kiki is never allowed to get married. Looks like Tina is my best bet but she hangs out with me too much - I scare all the guys away with my intimidating protective vibe (I so wish I was as scary as I claim to be).
Anyhoo, that's about all I have for today. I know like 3 people read my blog and I just feel the need to apologize to you. I never have anything good to say on Mondays ... ever. But maybe tonight on the way home I'll get mugged or run over or something. And then LOOK OUT! I will inform the HECK out of you.
More than Uninteresting,