Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Blindsided and Angry (Oh, and TGFTTT)

BLAH. Today started out SO WELL. I got offered that job at the Bank this morning so that was great but now the company that I'm at seems to be making a sport out of screwing me over (excuse the expression - I'm a little angry). My last day was supposed to be Friday, but they emailed me at the end of business on Friday and said "Oh yeah, make sure you come in on Tuesday to discuss your contract etc cause we were supposed to give you 4 weeks notice and didn't" So I'm thinking SWEET! They'll pay me out! But I got in today and they advised that no, they expect me to work for the next 2 weeks during their billing period. When I told them I can't because my new job starts tomorrow, (which they don't believe) they said "Well then I guess you quit, in which case we don't pay you out your holidays or for the 4 weeks notice we didn't give you" So, in essence, they are forcing me to quit because I can't work here for the next 2 weeks. The part that really burns me? They KNEW I had this interview this morning. On Friday they KNEW that I was trying to get a job this week and they still decided not to tell me that they expect me to be here for the next 2 weeks. So, now that I'm not giving THEM 4 weeks notice, I'm not entitled to severance or any kind of compensation. This is a mess.

Anyways, here's 3 Things I'm Thankful For This Tuesday:

1) My new job - even if I never get this mess sorted out, my new job looks lovely and mindless which is just what I wanted.

2) My iPod - it causes me to walk into things and mishear people (or not hear them at all) but it has brought an awful lot of joy to my life as of late. I like being able to tune out Dublin's noisy streets and just focus on my music.

3) Kiki - she is so outraged at this whole work mess that it's funny. I like how defensive she is of me.

So that's all for now. I will update again soon on how this whole gong show plays out.

More than Frustrated,


M.A.I said...

What the heck?! (I'm using more colourful language at home...) My jaw fell! Those bastards can't do this to you! They acted all 'Oh I'm so sorry this is happening' and 'We'd hate to lose you Jennifer'...Bull crap!! I suggest firebombing or leaving a bag of flaming poo on their lunch. I think it would all work out in the end really. Or just think of my dad kicking Thomas' ass.

M.A.I said...

Hey call me tomorrow!

M.A.I said...