Tuesday, March 06, 2007

For those who care, this is the little section of County Dublin that I work in. This is Dun Laoghaire (pronounced Dun Leery). It's a little town right by the sea and it's like stepping into a time machine and being transported back to a time when things were UPHILL and CRAMPED. No, I actually really like it here. It's full of tiny cathedrals and olde tyme-y shops - but then you turn the corner and there's a giant Chapters and 12 Screen Cinema. Is nothing sacred? That's why I want to move to a tiny small town - where they have a one screen cinema and if you don't want to watch the featured film, well sorry! You just don't go to the show then! I like the element of frustrating charm in places like that. You just don't find that anymore. I sound old. Stopping now.

Kiki, Tasha, myself and possibly my MUM are planning a trip to Greece (probably Crete) in August and this is a picture of where I want to go. I think we can all agree that I belong in a place that looks like this. Seriously, this dreary Dublin thing - it's not workings for me. I have a soul that calls out to Greece. It looks lovely but we won't be able to stay for long - maybe 3 or 4 days. Knowing me though, I'll do something rash and end up quitting my job to move to Crete and knit babushka's on the beach for the rest of my life. Quaint but not very practical. I'm scared that I'll get there and it won't look so picturesque. My luck, I'll get there and it will rain the whole time and I will come back feeling like I'd never left Dublin. There must be dozens of assorted curses on the Crimmins giving them undisputable bad luck - my family name is so very cursed when it comes to holidays. Every time my Mum goes on holiday it rains and storms the whole time until the day she's leaving. EVERY TIME. Gosh, I hope that doesn't get passed on to me.

Anyways, time to work some more. Later everyone.

More than Well (despite the weather),

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