This is one of the craziest pictures I've ever seen! Some of you might look at it and say "Wow, that's amazing!" You may even go so far as to say it's "beautiful" but my reaction? "What the ... but ... I don't ... ewwwww!" I prefer Sandra's reaction though: "It looks like something from Alien! You know, when its coming out of that guy's stomach! That's creepy". Anyways, just felt the need to share with you about that - it's insane in my opinion and like that doesn't hurt! *Shudder* I mean, I'm all about the miracle of life, but not when the miracle is punting you in the kidneys.
More than Creeped Out,
This is a fake picture. There is no way a baby's foot can penetrate the thick uterine lining to be imprinted like that on the mom's abdomen. Nice try though.
wat,this isnot true or mabye is...its funny kind of a thing.
it could be worse it could be a man thatdd be a kick in the nuts
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