So, on my little trek to work this morning I came across something that I am still laughing about half an hour later. I saw a meter maid guy standing in front of a car, writing something on his little clipboard - which I assumed was a ticket. I had a moment of sympathy for the person receiving a ticket at 8:30am until I realized what was going on. I saw the owner of the car rushing towards the meter mai
d and when I passed behind him, I saw that he wasn't writing a ticket at all. He was simply standing beside a car, dressed in his meter maid uniform, doing a Sudoku puzzle. I stopped right behind him just to make sure I was seeing it right ... but yes, he was completely absorbed with this little puzzle. I laughed to myself as I walked away, wondering what he was going to tell the frantic woman, hurrying towards him to coax him out of writing her a €65 Sudoku fine.

Needless to say it was a great way to start my day - I laughed all the way to work and am still chuckling to myself. Anyways, I should get going as I am (yet again) at work and trying to get something done. My queue has jumped up yet again - seemingly overnight - and I am now in panic mode to clear at least half of it before the weekend.
More than Amused,
More than Amused,
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