Before going to bed last night, I had a long and hilarious talk with my Mum. We were discussing the funny insults that we've heard over the years - all of mine have been hurled at me over the phone by angry customers. Yesterday's classic example? "You're the biggest pack of FILTHY GANGSTERS!!" and I've also heard "Your company is nothing but a shower of f*
ckers". By this time my Mum was completely hysterical - she loves a clever insult but the Irish seem to have taken the cake. We then reminisced about all the phrases she used while she (and I!) were growing up. When I was younger, it wasn't entirely uncommon to hear this bellowed across the house: "Oi! You lot! Turn that noise down!! Blimey, somebody put a tent over this circus!!" I have carried this term into my adult life and use it frequently when things around me get a little mad. But my absolute favourite term has got to be "cluster-f*cked". Yes it's obscene and offensive, but it's absolutely fabulous. It's the perfect way to describe something that's gone all pear shaped - "Oh... everything's all cluster-f*cked now!"
So, as we were wrapping up the conversation, I asked my Mum for my Aunt's phone nu
mber - she was about to go to bed, so she went to the living room and flicked on the light to find her address book. Well, I heard her shout and she came running back to phone quite out of breath. She then continued to tell me how she turned on the living room light and there was some kind of explosion and there were "red bits falling from the ceiling!". She said it was like "fire and brimstone!" and she wasn't amused when I asked if it could be likened to the Second Coming of Christ. I keep thinking her light bulb exploded but she's convinced it was some form of electrical explosion. So I eventually got her off the phone and safely into bed - and I went to bed. It seems that certain elements of my conversation with her leaked into my dream - resulting in this story:

So, as we were wrapping up the conversation, I asked my Mum for my Aunt's phone nu

My Mum then took the chains off my ankles and shoved my feet into some runners. There wa

So that's basically it for my dream and my evening last night. What an awkward dream ... I can't wait to tell my Mum that she threatened to kill me in my dream - she will LOVE that.
1 comment:
All those pictures were fantastic! I liked the nun one.
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