More than Exhausted from Uploading,
Tina finally got the dress I sent her! Let the heavens open up to display the angels rejoicing and a single golden tear rolling down Christ's face. It's about time! I was so scared she wouldn't get it in time for my Dad's wedding in June - which I realize is still weeks away but still! She has it, it's lovely and she's going to look beautiful. As usual.
So I'd like to extend a welcoming hand and introduce you all (Muss, Tina, Shay and sometimes Sandra) to my Mom! She has entered the blogosphere and actually READS MY BLOG. So make her feel welcome - leave her a comment or two at the end of this post. Ah my readership - so loyal, so funny, so scarce these days ... I was kicking myself last night when I talked to her on the phone and realised that she's going to go back and read the archives of this blog (as any proud Mom would) and she's going to notice 3 things:
a) Her daughter is LAME.
2) Her daughter consistently struggles with double negatives and too many exclamation marks.
iii) Her daughter doesn't talk about her Mom nearly enough. Except for the time she crashed her Mom's car after joyriding in it without permission. And even then she blogged about it and acted like it was funny when her Mom still isn't able to laugh about it.
It's been nice knowing you all ...
**Stuff you really don't NEED to know warning** So, it's "that time" for me and any of you who know me (and hopefully that's all of you that are reading this ... it weirds me out that people I don't know may read this and start to feel like they know me - which is fine! I love lurkers ... but I especially love lurkers who make themselves known and don't figure out where I live from the info on this blog and come and cut me to pieces in the middle of the night) you understand that "this time" is very special and almost sacred (as I vowed that if I ever experience "this time" and "this pain" again, I wouldn't complain because God is blessing me with increased chances of having babies some day). However, "this time" is extremely painful. Blindingly so. Yesterday a couple of guys from IT were talking to me about nerdy computer stuff and I got such terrible cramps that I WENT DEAF. Seriously. I couldn't hear. I had to ask them to repeat everything which means I had to sit through their nerdy lecture all over again! I don't think they understood that the 2nd time they explained NT versus some other kind of something, I was crying out of BOREDOM not pain. Anyways, it's been 4 days and the pain hasn't lessened. I swear if I hadn't made that vow to the Lord, I would scream at the top of my lungs until I went hoarse and passed out. Anything but grinning and bearing it.
That's all I've got for now - but I am going to get something super cool this weekend so stay tuned for pictures. And no Mom, it's not another "bloody tattoo the size of your bloody head".
More than Cramped,
Here's another little installment of What's Weird About Me:
1) The guy that sits across from me in the office is the NICEST guy. He goes out of his way to make sure he smiles and says "Good morning" to me EVERY day. But for some reason, I have made it my goal to avoid that enigmatic smile and greeting - I purposely try not to meet his eye. I make a game of it. Not because I don't want to say "Hello" or I find him unpleasant in any way (he's actually gorgeous) but I am intent on seeing if it's possible. So far I've broken down every time cause I can just feel him glancing at me to see if he can catch my eye long enough to corner me into a "Hi". He always wins ... and so the game continues.
2) I daydream a phenomenal amount for one person. Sometimes I will leave my desk, go to the bathroom and sit in the stall (on top of the toilet) and just daydream for like 15 minutes. At a time. I do this throughout the day. I PURPOSELY SET ASIDE TIME TO DO IT.
3) I love acronyms. Love them. Use 'em every chance I get.
4) I used to read the dictionary. And the phonebook. The phonebook was more so to make fun of people with funny last names like "Pooran" (we pronounce it poo-ran as in if poo had legs and it ran - someone would say "Where's Poo?" and his friends would answer "Poo ran!!". Anyways, I don't read the dictionary anymore cause frankly I don't own one AND I am addicted to (it's everything I love - definitions, a thesaurus, ONLINE). But sometimes when someone asks me what a word means and I don't know, I make up the definition that sounds the likeliest in the context (I break down the word to figure out what it might mean - yes, this sometimes means breaking it down into LATIN if I happen to recognize part of the word) and tell them that's what it means and then I am obsessed with getting to a computer to find out if I was right. I lead a sad life.
More than Worried About Myself,Jen