I am thankful for many things this week so it was hard to narrow it down to 3 - so, in lieu of torturing you with Thank God For 30 Things Tuesday, I've decided to honour the month's end with Thank God For These Things Tuesday (I promise to keep it to a maximum of 5)

1) My new book - I am reading "The Book Thief" and you guys really ought to check it out. The way it is written is almost poetic - it's very moving and completely unlike any book I've ever read before. It's also funny. Well ... not too funny cause it's about Nazi's but still ...
2) The beach - I've already mentioned the "suntanning incident" so I won't dwell but just allow me to say, I have managed to even it out and I now have a healthy glow all over my face and chest. It's a lovely thing. Thank you Greystones Beach. I now don't have to wear coverup which shaves a few minutes off my morning routine and makes my face breath a sigh of relief.
3) My Mom - she got a webcam recently and her excitement at us being able to see eachother when we talk was adorable. As soon as she appeared on the screen I burst out laughing (she has this affect on me) and she started clapping her hands like an excited toddler. Super cute.
4) My new sunglasses - I caved and bought aviators. Kiki thinks they're hideous (this coming from the girl who needed me to bandage her feet because her new wicker/sequin shoes cut her feet into mince) but I love them.
5) Saskatoon - I am so thankful for the city of Saskatoon that will soon be my home for a good couple years. The course I want to take sounds amazing and they have this incredible indoor rock climbing facility that I can't wait to abuse.
So that's all for now - not too painful hey? I just wanna wish Shay a very Happy Birthday also - she's 20 today!! Can't wait to see you Shay!!
More than Rushing This Entry,
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