Consider this the official unveiling of the cool thing I did this weekend. As the subject of this post suggests, I got another tattoo! (Don't worry Mom, I just have the 2 now). Kiki and I headed down to Art Tattoo and got some seriously cool ink done by Michele and the guys. Kiki was a brave little soldier and got hers done first which you can check out by
clicking this little link right here. Seriously, she just kept saying "Ow, ow ow ow ... it hurts it hurts ..." and I took a ton of pics which you will be able to view a little later on.
As for mine, it was torture of epic proportions but it was totally worth it. (Sorry for

the terrible picture ... I am working on getting better ones - I swear it looks really nice) The artist who inked me was Portugese, very flirtateous and affectionally referred to himself as "The Butcher" - he
thought it was funny that I
didn't laugh after he advised me that he was feeling a little "heavy handed today". I am so glad I went thru with it and despite some less than thrilled reactions from family, the overall experience was awesome. We would both whole heartedly recommend all the lads down at Art Tattoo - check out their site for some really amazing art and tattoos by clicking right about
Today w

e went to see Spiderman 3 which I have obviously taken to calling Spiderman

Three-mo. It was decent and that's being generous - CGI was a little excessive and the acting was terrible (aside from the epically gorgeous James Franco) and don't even get me started on Tobey's EMO MAKEOVER half way in. It's cheesy, it's silly but it's good for a laugh. And, definitely a good movie to catch if you like falling head over heels in love with James Franco (which I recommend with every fibre of my being).
Anyways, let me know what you think of Spiderman if you watch it any time soon and definitely weigh in on my new tattoo.
More than in love with Mr. Franco,
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