Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ode to Canada (May 8th)

The Top 10 Things I've Noticed/Learned to Appreciate About Canada Whilst Living Overseas

1) It's clean. It's not like walking thru a dog poo mine field when you go for a walk.

2) The people are overly friendly. Whenever I thank a waiter/waitress, they look genuinely shocked. And sometimes upset. Perhaps genuine gratitude is mistaken for sarcasm? More about that when you hit # 9

3) It smells nice. I have always maintained that Regina smells like sausages but it is NOTHING compared to the early morning Dublin stench that we are privvy to on our way to work each morning. It's like poo and grease ... it could peel the skin off a monkey.

4) It's quiet. You know what we wake up to each and every morning?? Beer kegs being thrown off a truck and subsequently smashing onto the cement and bouncing around for a while. Over. And. Over. We live next to a warehouse and I have grown to despise it.

5) It's vast. There are over a million people living in Dublin - a MILLION people in this city and you can still feel so alone. The city itself is small and it gets depressing having to look way wayyyy up to see the sky over the all the cranes and high rise buildings.

6) It's well dressed. Dublin fashion is ATROCIOUS. And I mean completely abysmal. Leggings under tiny shirts? LEG WARMERS AND STILETTOS?! In Canada you can still get checked out in a bunny hug and jeans but here?? You won't get a second glance (unless it's in disapproval) if you're not decked out like the Dublin City girls are. It's not nice. And it's not hot.

7) It's safe. I know Regina has had some issues lately with inner-city violence but unfortunately Dublin has is trumped. In every way. I won't go into detail but it's brutal, it's often and it's too close for comfort.

8) Canadians know how to spell! I can't stress this enough. People in Dublin don't spell check before they publish things. We are constantly finding spelling errors on everything! I saw a t-shirt being sold in a shop that "Women were ment to be seen and not heard". Aside from being offensive, since when is that how you spell MEANT?!? And don't even get me started on the newspapers.

9) It's sarcastic. People here don't appreciate sarcasm. A well place sarcastic comment will result in pity laughs and someone always takes offense.

10) It's pretty. Dublin isn't pretty. Leave Dublin, and it's beautiful - but the city itself is an eyesore. My Mom calls it the pimple on the arse of Europe. And she's NOT being sarcastic.

More than Patriotic Lately,

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