Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Quick Quick Quick!

Okay I am sick of being in this internet shop with the screaming baby, complaining Polish girl and that "smell" that's so strong you can practically SEE it, so this update will be speedy. We head out tomorrow morning so I should really be at home packing right now. Alas, I am a Crimmins so I am leaving it until the very last minute. Today (the wonderous last day of work) was tremendous! I actually got tons done and didn't leave my lovely boss with any mounds of paperwork to deal with.

I really don't have anything of substance to say so ... oooh! Here's something productive! If you're checking out my blog you've obviously got some spare time on your hands so ... go check out or look him up on Youtube and watch his kick ass videos. Go show some support for our local talent guys. You heard it here first.

Also if you're putzing around (and have already taken my advice by leaving Steve an encouraging note on his Myspace or, (Lord help you), his Facebook) you can read about what's going on in Darfur. Show some support for ending the genocide folks! Visit and sign a petition, donate some funds or even buy a shirt at that somehow helps by advertising the need ON YOUR PERSON. Love it.

Anyways, I'm done now. So take good care and look out for a post about my Mom and the adventures we will be having with her.

More than Using World Events and Steve Larsen as Filler,

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